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A library guide to support French language studies

NEW eBooks!

The Ultimate French Review and Practice

The Ultimate French Review and Practice, the go-to resource for advanced beginners through advanced learners, is a comprehensive program that will transform the way you look at French grammar -- from a set of easily forgotten rules to stepping stones toward accurate and confident communication

French Fiction at the Rosenberg Library

More French Fiction

Readers & Dual Language Texts

Finding Books on French Language & Culture in the CCSF Libraries

Books in the CCSF Library are organized by subject area according to the Library of Congress Subject Headings and call number system. Texts to help students learn about French language and culture include dictionaries; books on grammar and usage; short stories, novels, poetry, and drama; and books on French history and culture.


PC2640  French language -- Dictionaries
PC2122  French language -- Grammar
PQ1279  Short stories, French
PN6747 Comics books, strips, etc. -- France
DC34      National characteristics, French
TX719    Cooking, French



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