Established in 1953, the SBA is the federal government agency which provides service and assistance to America's small business community.
Actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans. There are many, many volumes of this publication.
Fully updated for 2019, this 6th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you write a comprehensive and compelling plan, as well as content on digital developments such as crowdfunding, online retailing and digital marketing.
Presents and explains a wide variety of information, all aimed at enlightening you on what you need to know and ensuring your success. Whether you need know-how and advice on turning your idea into reality, creating a business plan and business model, finding funding, picking a legal structure, setting up your books, marketing and promoting, or staying in business for the long haul, you’ll find the help you need here.
Your one-stop guide to starting a small business Want to start a business? Don't know where to begin? Start here.The Small Business Start-Up Kit shows you how to set up a small business in your state, quickly and efficiently clearing state and local bureaucratic hurdles along the way.
In Starting a Business QuickStart Guide, Ken Colwell concisely presents the core fundamentals that all new entrepreneurs need to know to get started, find success, and live the life of their dreams.
Business schools teach that the most important prerequisite for starting a business is a business plan. Nonsense, says Carl Schramm in Burn the Business Plan, who for a decade headed the most important foundation devoted to entrepreneurship in this country. Burn the Business Plan tells stories of successful entrepreneurs in a variety of fields.
Step-by-step advice on preparing a business plan. For over 30 years, How to Write a Business Plan has helped fledgling entrepreneurs--from small service businesses and retailers to large manufacturing firms--write winning plans and get needed financing. The 13th edition is updated to reflect best practices for raising money (from SBA loans to equity crowdfunding).
Business plans are "a description of a company's strategies, goals, and plans for achieving them" (source). They are blueprints detailing a company's goals and strategies, the products or services it will deliver, its operational plan, and justification for accessing financing and capital.
The Library has many print and eBooks on sample Business Plans to help you get started. You find these by using the following subject headings: