American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Site includes information about the association, upcoming conferences, careers, and publications.
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists -
Site providing information on state licensing, ARRT registration requirements, education, examination, ethics, publication, and more. and the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) are again collaborating on giving you all the opportunity to submit an adult brain case to ASNR 2023 Case of the Day.
Each day during the ASNR 61st Annual Meeting (April 29-May 3, 2023), a case will be shown as the official Case of the Day. This had traditionally been 'invite-only', but for a number of years, one of the cases will be chosen from cases you submit to
In addition to one ASNR 2023 case of the day winner, we will also be showcasing a number of the best submissions as our very own 'cases of the day' on our home page and through social media. And, as if that wasn't enough, you will be contributing to your personal case library and making even better!
There are a number of prizes available:
The winner gets two prizes:
ASNR23 Waived Virtual Pass (value of USD$1150). This registration fee includes online live broadcast of all plenary and keynote sessions for the entire event, plus all sessions on-demand after the conference. The prize is courtesy of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). The prize is not transferable or able to be postponed to a future meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Erica Kruse, ASNR Director of Education, 630-574-0220, Ext. 229 or email
The editorial team will be selecting a runner-up who will receive a 12-month All-Access Pass to Radiopaedia's online courses.
Have a look at the prior winners and notable mentions:
To make your case eligible for the ASNR 2023 Case of the Day, simply:
Please make sure that your case is fully fleshed out (see our case publishing guidelines)
Submitting a case is easy, especially if you can access the DICOM file. It will be anonymized for you. Just click here to create a new case. If you are not already familiar with how this works, the following learning pathway is the best way to get ready.
Submissions close on March 7, 2023, and the winner will be chosen by the ASNR committee in the following couple of weeks. The winner will then be contacted by email, so please make sure the email listed in your profile is correct.
The winning case will then be adapted by ASNR conveyors into one or more slides. You, our dear contributor, will not be required to do anything.
If you have any questions, please write to
Photo of Chicago credit: Benjamin Suter (here)
The ASRT website includes COVID-19 resources for radiologic technologists and students, information about upcoming conferences, careers, and publications.
Students can join for $35/year and get access to study tools, practice exams, career planning tools and more.
Study Tools
5 Free radiography practice exams; Radiography Roadmap (review materials and study resources for ARRT certification exam preparation); over 30 brief modules on regulatory topics such as safe CT and MR practices, HIPAA compliance, hand hygiene; and overviews of various rad sci topics.
Radiologic Technology (articles available through the CCSF Library). Bimonthly. In addition to peer-reviewed research articles, Radiologic Technology features continuing education articles and a variety of columns of interest to members of the profession.
Radiation Therapist: The Journal of the Radiation Oncology Sciences (articles available through the CCSF Library). Biannually.
ASRT Scanner (NOT available through the CCSF Library). Bimonthly. You’ll find here the latest stories about your upcoming job, career and profession with this bimonthly member magazine.
ASRT Resources Newsletter (NOT available through the CCSF Library). Monthly emailed newsletter that includes advocacy news, upcoming events, continuing education opportunities, etc.
The Shadowmakers: A History of Radiologic Technology (NOT available through the CCSF Library). An online book published in 1995 that chronicles the accomplishments and contributions of the pioneers in the radiologic sciences and medical imaging.
Career Assistance
Includes a job bank, resume and interview guides, networking opportunities and more.
Evidence-Based Practice Tutorial Joint venture of the Duke University and Chapel Hill Health Sciences libraries introduces the concepts of evidence-based practice and includes interactive quizzes to test your understanding. Website created by the director of the Radiology Residency Program of a Philadelphia medical center. Site includes images, cases, and course materials and lectures by faculty at the medical center.
TRIP Database (Turning Research Into Practice) is a free-to-register database of evidence-based materials in the health sciences. After an initial search, a navigation bar on the left allows you to narrow and browse results by type of resource (eg, images, video), clinical specialty, and other choices.
MedPix - National Library of Medicine
A free open-access online database of medical images, teaching cases, and clinical topics, integrating images and textual metadata including over 12,000 patient case scenarios, 9,000 topics, and nearly 59,000 images.
Public information website established to inform and educate the public about radiologic procedures and the role of radiologists in healthcare. Each section has been created with the guidance of a physician with expertise in the topic presented. All information contained in the website is further reviewed by an RSNA-ACR committee, comprised of physicians with expertise in several radiologic areas. Developed and funded by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the American College of Radiology (ACR).'s "mission is to create the best possible radiology reference and teaching site and make it available to everyone, for ever, for free." Includes free articles and cases as well as fee based online courses.
Whole Brain Atlas - Harvard Medical School
Resource for neuroimaging.
Physics of Medical Imaging - Author's companion website to textbook of the same name. Website includes visuals, outlines and information on topics such as radiation for imaging and major methods of imaging.