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Book/eBook Sources


  • Books are full length sources that can be on a topic by one or more authors, or anthologies, which contain several chapters/sections written by different authors that are often compiled by an editor.

What do they contain?

  • Chapters, sections, essays

How often are these sources published?

  • Once, annually, or every few years

Found in:

Finding Books

BookSearching for library resources goes better when you:

  • enter words for topics (keywords), authors, or titles, rather than questions.
  • use dropdown menus & checkboxes (limiters/facets) to zone in on exactly what kind of thing you want.
Searching for books - differences
How to Find Ebooks How to Find Print Books

To find ebooks:

  • use the "Books and Media" tab on the Search the Library box. After running the search on the word(s) you entered,
  • Filter My Results navigation on left side of the page. Options selected: Available Online and Books (filters checked)On the left side of the screen find the Filter My Results options--Check "Available Online" under "Availability" and "Books" under "Resource Type." 


To find print books: 

  • use the "Books and Media" tab on the Search the Library box. After running the search on the word(s) you entered,
  • "Filter My Results" options in OneSearch with the filters "available on campus" and "books" selected.On the left side of the screen find the Filter My Results options--Check "Available on Campus" under "Availability" and "Books" under "Resource Type." 

Library & Learning Resources, City College of San Francisco
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | 415-452-5541

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