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College Success/ Learning Assistance

Resources for academic achievement and success.

Recommended Books/eBooks for College Success and Learning Assistance

The Study Skills Handbook

Shows students how to tailor

their learning to their individual


Student Success in College

Builds decision-making,

information-literacy, and

critical-thinking skills.

Seven Steps to College Success

Helps students develop 

personal and academic skills

needed for self-management

at college.

Studying with Dyslexia

Supports students 

to take control of their

studies and learn in ways

effective for them.

College Success for Students with Learning Disabilities

Offers students knowledge,
guidance, and strategies
to make the most of their
collegiate experience.

Book/eBook Sources


  • Books are full length sources that can be on a topic by one or more authors, or anthologies, which contain several chapters/sections written by different authors that are often compiled by an editor.

What do they contain?

  • Chapters, sections, essays

How often are these sources published?

  • Once, annually, or every few years

Found in:

Finding Books

BookSearching for library resources goes better when you:

  • enter words for topics (keywords), authors, or titles, rather than questions.
  • use dropdown menus & checkboxes (limiters/facets) to zone in on exactly what kind of thing you want.
Searching for books - differences
How to Find Ebooks How to Find Print Books

To find ebooks:

  • use the "Books and Media" tab on the Search the Library box. After running the search on the word(s) you entered,
  • Filter My Results navigation on left side of the page. Options selected: Available Online and Books (filters checked)On the left side of the screen find the Filter My Results options--Check "Available Online" under "Availability" and "Books" under "Resource Type." 


To find print books: 

  • use the "Books and Media" tab on the Search the Library box. After running the search on the word(s) you entered,
  • "Filter My Results" options in OneSearch with the filters "available on campus" and "books" selected.On the left side of the screen find the Filter My Results options--Check "Available on Campus" under "Availability" and "Books" under "Resource Type." 

eBook Collections

The CCSF community has access to many ebooks and evideos via our subscriptions. Want to learn more about using and finding ebooks for research? We have a video showing how to do just that.

Library & Learning Resources, City College of San Francisco
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | 415-452-5541

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