The dishes in this text are those that have come to be known within a part of the world and culture, but also have moved beyond those borders and are accessible and enjoyed by many in our ever-smaller and more-interconnected world. The text explores the history and cultural context surrounding some of the best-known and favorite foods. also covers foods beloved by Indigenous peoples, traditional favorites as well as newer dishes.
Expanded edition includes more than a decade of culinary evolution and innovation- from the rise of the Food Network to the local food craze; from the DIY movement, to the food truck culture that proliferates in cities across the country.
This book examines some of the most heavily debated issues in the interaction between food, in all forms, and the law. Topics covered include food security, food safety, food quality, intellectual property, and consumer protection. As well as highlighting current issues, the work also points to new challenges in this field.
This book surveys the history of cooking from the ancient world through the modern era. Sections on particular civilizations follow, with each section offering a historical overview, recipes, menus, primary source documents, and suggestions for further reading.
From restaurant architecture to technological developments, staffing and organization, tipping and waiting table, ethnic cuisines, and slow and fast foods, this delectably illustrated and profoundly informed and entertaining history takes us from the world's first restaurants in Kaifeng, China, to the latest high-end dining experiences.
Examines all aspects of food culture in the United States, from the early Colonial period and Native American influences on the new immigrants' food to the modern era.
With culinary nationalism defined as a process in flux, as opposed to the limited concept of national cuisine, the contributors of this book call for explicit critical comparisons of cases of culinary nationalism among Asian regions, with the intention of recognizing patterns of modern culinary development.
More than just a compendium of pastries, candies, ices, preserves, and confections, this reference work reveals how the human proclivity for sweet has brought richness to our language, our art, and, of course, our gastronomy.
Takes readers behind the scenes of the food and drink industries, from food companies and brands to the environment, health, science and technology, culture, finance, and more.
Serves as the foundation for discussion of the food and environment challenges of the world, addressing issues from a global perspective and providing the background, references, and linkages for further exploration.
Background Sources
Background sources (also known as reference sources) are tertiary and contain information we "refer" to, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. These are good sources to use to get started - when you need ideas for how to narrow your topic, or could use more words to describe your needs (such as when thinking of keywords to put into a search box.)
Credo Reference offers background information on topics from hundreds of full-text general and subject-specific reference/encyclopedia titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos.
An online collection of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Small searchable and downloadable collection of electronic books on a variety of subjects.
▶ Check out our video on how to use e-books for research.
The "Overview" entries in this multidisciplinary database are very good background sources. Overviews are found at the top of the individual Topic pages.