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Placing Print Materials on Course Reserve - For Faculty

Placing materials on library reserve is one way to make course materials are available to all students in the class. Textbooks on reserve enable students to keep up in class while they wait for financial aid, the arrival of books ordered online, or for the bookstore to replenish stock.

Types of Print Reserve Materials

  • Textbooks (and accompanying CDs)
  • Other books (instructor and library copies)
  • Lecture notes
  • Supplemental course readers, packets, etc. 
  • Loose materials such as photocopies (in a folder or binder)

How to Place Materials on Reserve

  • Fill out the Course Reserve Materials Request Form if you intend to bring a physical item to make available for student check out at one of the library locations. 
  • Print out the completed form and bring it and the material(s) to the appropriate library location.
  • Please allow up to 10 days for personal items to be processed by library staff. 

Can the library provide my course textbook?

What about Electronic Reserves?

  • The CCSF library does not maintain an electronic reserves system, nor do we digitize materials. Instead, faculty may make materials available within their Canvas courses provided they adhere to Fair Use.


Contact us if you have questions about placing items on reserve.

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Library & Learning Resources, City College of San Francisco
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | 415-452-5541