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Technology to Borrow

Borrowing Guidelines

  • Technology items will not be renewable after the Spring 2025 semester. All library loaned technology must be returned by May 21, 2025.

  • Students already registered in a class can check out technology items from the library (computers, hotspots, etc.) and are limited to 1 computer (laptop or Chromebook) and 1 hotspot.

  • Chromebooks, laptops, and hotspots can be requested at most CCSF library locations (with the exception of Alice Statler Library and Evans Library). Technology items cannot be transferred between library locations.

  • Borrowers must follow College, State, and Federal policies and laws regarding appropriate use of college networks and computing services.

  • Students will be required to sign a waiver to borrow technology items.

  • By checking out library items, students accept responsibility for any loss or damage to the item during the checkout period. The CCSF Library is not responsible for loss or damage to the technology item during the checkout period.

  • Students are responsible for the borrowed technology item and its condition until it is handed to a CCSF library employee in-person and checked-in with all accessories (i.e. case and charging cable).

  • Chromebooks, laptops, and hotspots must be returned to a CCSF library during open hours.

  • CCSF employees are not able to borrow library technology.

Library Technology Items


While there are computers for student use in most CCSF Libraries, we also have a limited supply of laptops for checkout.

Item Loan Period User Guide
Chromebook 1 Semester Chromebook User Manual
Windows Laptop (Dell) 1 Semester Dell Latitude 7420, Dell Latitude 7430Dell Latitude 7440, Dell Latitude 7450


Library hotspots are intended for those who do not have reliable access to the internet and should not be used as a backup internet provider.

If you lack access to basic needs (such as the Internet), are unhoused, or at risk of becoming unhoused, please contact SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs and the Homeless At-Risk Transitional Students (HARTS) Program.

If you are unable to get a hotspot from the CCSF Library, you are welcome to use the WiFi on campus; alternatively, you can find a location with the public San Francisco WiFi.

Contact the CCSF Helpdesk by emailing to help troubleshoot your hotspot. You can also contact Kajeet for technical support by telephoning 877-352-5338 or by submitting a customer support form.

Item Loan Period User Guide
Kajeet WiFi Hotspots 1 Semester Smart Spot V400/O55, Smart Spot 900, Smart Spot 917


Item Loan Period User Guide
TI-30Xa solar calculator 1 Semester TI-30Xa User Manual
TI 84 plus graphing calculator 1 Semester TI 84 User Manual

Request Technology Items

Students registered in a class may request technology by clicking on the item from the table above and following these instructions:

  1. In the "Get it" section of the item page, click on the sign-in link and log in with your RAM ID and password.
  2. Once you're signed in, click on the Request button (in the "Get It" section) for the item you are requesting.
  3. Wait for a confirmation email in your CCSF email account saying that your materials are ready to pick up. It can take a week or longer for the library to prepare your item, especially if all technology is currently checked out.
  4. Pick up your item at the library circulation desk at the location you selected (also listed in the confirmation email).


  • Chat with a librarian if you need help placing a request! You can check the status of your request by following the instructions in our FAQ.
  • For technical assistance with laptops, Chromebooks, and WiFi Hotspots, contact the CCSF IT Helpdesk.
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Library & Learning Resources, City College of San Francisco
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | 415-452-5541